Teaching & Consultancy

As a Jungian practitioner, I offer curated teaching and consultancy inputs on analytical psychology and culture to graduate and postgraduate students, research scholars, process consultants and others, directly and through virtual platforms. I deliver talks and lectures on a variety of themes on psyche and culture to Jungian groups worldwide.


Essential Jung

  • Basic Jungian concepts 
  • Dreams and the Unconscious 
  • The Self
  • Basic Jungian clinical concepts 
  • Myths, Symbols, Archetypes 
  • Archival research methods
  • Jung’s Journey to India
  • Anima, Animus and the Feminine

Applied Jung

  • Culture and Psyche
  • Interpreting Cultural Narratives
  • Indian Epics
  • Decolonizing Jung 
  • Individuation
  • Synchronicity 
  • Earth, Ecology, Psyche