
The Presence of a Past : Reading The Ramayana – Conference presentation at University of Essex, 25th March 2023.

  • Animus, Psyche and Culture – Talk at book launch event, Swissnex, Bangalore, India, 7th September, 2023.
    Report of Book Launch
  • Author Spotlight – Interview with Pacifica News, Pacifica Graduate Institute, USA, November 2023.
    Link for interview
  • Animus, Psyche and Culture – Weekly Webinar Series, Pacifica Online, Pacifica Graduate Institute, USA, 8th November to 29th November, 2023.
    Link for event
  • Animus, Psyche and Culture – A Journey with Jung -Talk at Bangalore International Center, India, 8th December, 2023.
    Link for event
  • Jung, Psyche and Culture – Seminar at C.G. Jung Club, London, UK, 19th & 20th April 2024.
    Link for event
  • The Hybrid Self – JAP international conference, University of Essex, UK, 13th April, 2024.
  • Many Faces of the Animus – Lecture at Cambridge Jungian Circle, London, UK, 27th April 2024.
    Link for event
  • Decolonizing Jung: The Notion of Cultural Other – Seminar at ISAP, Zurich, Switzerland, 2nd May 2024.
  • Animus, Psyche and Culture: A Jungian Revision – Seminar at ISAP, Zurich, Switzerland, 3rd May 2024.
    Link for events
  • C.G. Jung and India – Talk at Asia Society, Zurich, Switzerland, 14th May 2024.
    Link for event
  • Finding a Cultural Zeitgeist: Between Bordered and Borderless Worlds – Online seminar, International Association of Jungian Studies, 28th July 2024.
    Link for event

“Without the experience of opposites there is no experience of wholeness and hence no inner approach to the sacred figures” 

Carl Jung, Psychology and Alchemy, Collected Works, Vol 12